Building from Source
CMake >= 3.18
GCC >= 13.0
Clone the PQ GitHub repository and navigate into the directory:
$ git clone
$ cd PQ
Create a build directory and navigate into this directory:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
Within this directory configure cmake:
$ cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Optionally it is also possible to enable MPI for Ring Polymer MD
For compilation then type:
$ make -j <number_of_processors>
Singularity is a containerization tool that allows to run applications in a container. This is especially useful for running applications on HPC systems where the user does not have root access. Singularity is available on most HPC systems. The PQ software package provides three (hopefully) useful singularity definition files, which can be found in the
The file PQ.def
represents a definition file to build a singularity container based on a fully sequential build
of the latest release of PQ. The file PQ_openmpi.def
is an extension of the previously mentioned definition
file - including the OpenMPI library of choice and therefore compiled with MPI support. As MPI application are highly
restricted regarding the applied MPI version, before building the container the __VERSION__ in the definition file
has to be substituted with the desired OpenMPI version. Therefore, a small and simple bash script
is provided, which automatically substitutes the __VERSION__ with the desired OpenMPI version when given as command
line argument or if no CLI argument is given it tries to infer the needed OpenMPI variable from the environment variable $PATH
In order to build both containers from the singularity file the following command can be used:
$ singularity build --fakeroot <name_of_container>.sif <name_of_definiton_file>.def
In order to execute the program via the singularity container two possible commands are shown below:
$ singularity exec --env MYPATH=$PATH <name_of_container>.sif /data/PQ/build/apps/PQ <name_of_input_file>
$ singularity run --env MYPATH=$PATH <name_of_container>.sif <name_of_input_file>
Depending on the directory structure of the host system it might be necessary to bind/mound the directory containing the
input file to the container. This can be achieved by adding --bind $PWD
to the singularity command.
The third definiton file is only experimental at the moment as it is used in combination with a miniconda environment in the
container. This should make it possible in future releases to build the singularity container based on an environment.yml file.
This definiton file is called PQ_conda.def