Source code for PQAnalysis.cli.xyz2rst

.. _cli.rst2xyz:

Command Line Tool for Converting XYZ Files to Restart Files


from import xyz2rst
from PQAnalysis.config import code_base_url
from ._argument_parser import _ArgumentParser
from ._cli_base import CLIBase

__outputdoc__ = """

This command line tool can be used to convert xyz files to restart files. 


__epilog__ = "\n"
__epilog__ += "For more information on required and optional input file keys please visit "
__epilog__ += f"{code_base_url}PQAnalysis.cli.xyz2rst.html."
__epilog__ += "\n"
__epilog__ += "\n"

__doc__ += __outputdoc__

[docs] class XYZ2RstCLI(CLIBase): """ Command Line Tool for Converting XYZ Files to Restart Files """
[docs] @classmethod def program_name(cls) -> str: """ Returns the name of the program. Returns ------- str The name of the program. """ return 'xyz2rst'
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser: _ArgumentParser) -> None: """ Adds the arguments to the parser. Parameters ---------- parser : _ArgumentParser The parser to which the arguments should be added. """ parser.parse_output_file() parser.add_argument( 'xyz_file', type=str, help='The xyz file to be converted.' ) parser.add_argument( '--velocity_file', type=str, default=None, help='The velocity file to be converted.' ) parser.add_argument( '--force_file', type=str, default=None, help='The force file to be converted.' ) parser.add_argument( '--randomize', type=float, default=0.0, help='Randomize the atom order. Default is 0.0.' ) parser.parse_engine() parser.parse_mode()
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, args): """ Runs the command line tool. Parameters ---------- args : argparse.Namespace The arguments parsed by the parser. """ xyz2rst( xyz_file=args.xyz_file, velocity_file=args.velocity_file, force_file=args.force_file, randomize=args.randomize, output=args.output, md_format=args.engine, mode=args.mode, )
[docs] def main(): """ Main function of the xyz2rst command line tool, which is basically just a wrapper for the xyz2rst function. For more information on the xyz2rst function please visit :py:func:``. """ parser = _ArgumentParser(description=__outputdoc__, epilog=__epilog__) XYZ2RstCLI.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args()