
A module containing different API functions for reading and writing trajectory files.




Calculate the number of frames in a trajectory file.


API function for reading a trajectory from a file.


API function for building a frame generator from a trajectory file.


Wrapper for TrajectoryWriter to write a trajectory to a file.


calculate_frames_of_trajectory_file(filename: str)[source]

Calculate the number of frames in a trajectory file.


filename (str) – The name of the file to read.


The number of frames in the trajectory file.

Return type:


filename: str | list[str],
md_format: MDEngineFormat | str = MDEngineFormat.PQ,
traj_format: TrajectoryFormat | str = TrajectoryFormat.AUTO,
topology: Topology | None = None,
constant_topology: bool = True,
) Trajectory[source]

API function for reading a trajectory from a file.

  • filename (str | List[str]) – The name of the file to read from or a list of files to read from.

  • md_format (MDEngineFormat | str, optional) – The format of the trajectory, by default MDEngineFormat.PQ

  • traj_format (TrajectoryFormat | str, optional) – The format of the trajectory, by default TrajectoryFormat.AUTO. The format is inferred from the file extension.

  • topology (Topology | None, optional) – The topology of the trajectory, by default None

  • constant_topology (bool, optional) – Whether the topology is constant over the trajectory or does change, by default True


The trajectory read from the file.

Return type:


filename: str,
md_format: MDEngineFormat | str = MDEngineFormat.PQ,
traj_format: TrajectoryFormat | str = TrajectoryFormat.AUTO,
topology: Topology | None = None,
constant_topology: bool = True,
) Generator[AtomicSystem][source]

API function for building a frame generator from a trajectory file.

  • filename (str) – The name of the file to read from.

  • md_format (MDEngineFormat | str, optional) – The format of the trajectory, by default MDEngineFormat.PQ

  • traj_format (TrajectoryFormat | str, optional) – The format of the trajectory, by default TrajectoryFormat.AUTO. The format is inferred from the file extension.

  • topology (Topology | None, optional) – The topology of the trajectory, by default None

  • constant_topology (bool, optional) – Whether the topology is constant over the trajectory or does change, by default True


A generator for the frames in the trajectory.

Return type:


traj: Trajectory | AtomicSystem,
filename: str | None = None,
engine_format: MDEngineFormat | str = MDEngineFormat.PQ,
traj_type: TrajectoryFormat | str = TrajectoryFormat.XYZ,
mode: FileWritingMode | str = FileWritingMode.WRITE,
) None[source]

Wrapper for TrajectoryWriter to write a trajectory to a file.

if format is None, the default PQ format is used (see TrajectoryWriter.formats for available formats). if format is ‘qmcfc’, the QMCFC format is used (see TrajectoryWriter.formats for more information).

  • traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory to write.

  • filename (str, optional) – The name of the file to write to. If None, the output is printed to stdout.

  • engine_format (MDEngineFormat | str, optionalsssss) – The format of the md engine for the output file. The default is MDEngineFormat.PQ.

  • traj_type (TrajectoryFormat | str, optional) – The type of the data to write to the file. Default is TrajectoryFormat.XYZ.

  • mode (FileWritingMode | str, optional) – The mode of the file. Either ‘w’ for write, ‘a’ for append or ‘o’ for overwrite. The default is ‘w’.